Who are the people behind NJHEART?
NJHEART is run by an all-volunteer team of educators with various responsibilities in school systems. Each team member is dedicated to helping empower other educators willing to take on the challenge of providing our students with an Antiracist Education.
How can I volunteer to work with NJHEART?
We are always looking for new team members that are at various stages of their ARE journey. We strive to base our training sessions on research and individual experiences. If you are interested, use our Help Line page to let us know.
I’ve attended sessions in the past and noticed the same ones are offered again. Why?
While we will frequently offer new session topics each spring and fall, there are core sessions that will be repeated twice a year. These core sessions focus on some of the fundamental concepts and concerns of educators interested in ARE and we want to make sure they are frequently available. If you have a topic you would like us to consider, let us know via our Help Line.
Is NJHEART just for New Jersey educators?
While NJHEART is based in New Jersey and will cite New Jersey laws and standards, most of the strategies and concepts discussed apply to all educators. Educators outside of New Jersey are always welcome.
Do I have to be an educator to attend a training session?
While NJHEART will focus all training sessions on strategies for educators, anyone interested in the topics being offered is welcome.
Why doesn’t NJHEART charge fees for virtual training sessions?
Since all of our team members are actively earning salaries in the educational system, we are able to offer this service for free.
Why are the Wednesday training sessions so short?
After polling educators, we determined that 45 minutes of training after a full day of teaching, counseling, or leading a school is appropriate. The sessions are on specific topics to allow us to keep them short. We are always willing to offer additional time for discussion to individuals who request it through our Help Line.